
Winter wheat map shows yields slightly above average

September 28, 2020​

Ontario winter wheat farmers saw a slightly above average harvest this year.

With winter wheat harvest now complete and yields reported, soft red winter wheat yields averaged 85 bushels per acre, which is 101 per cent of the ten-year average farm yield (AFY).

2020 soft red winter wheat yield
2020 soft red
winter wheat yield

Click to view yield map
(1.55 MB)

Above-average yields can have a positive impact on Production Insurance coverage by raising a farm's AFY, which means farmers have higher coverage when they need it most.

Despite the positive outcome, some farmers did face challenges early in the year, including winterkill and excessive rain. That is where government programs can help.

The Production Insurance reseeding benefit gives farmers options to optimize their yields. It helps cover the costs of replanting some or all of a crop that experiences damage. For the 2020 program year, Ontario winter wheat farmers received $5.2 million for reseeding.
