Report acreage
You must report your planted acres to Agricorp 10 days after you finish planting or by your crop's acreage reporting deadline. You can report your acres using one of the following options:
Report damage
You must report crop damage to Agricorp as soon as it occurs by calling 1-888-247-4999.
A damage report will be filed and a notice forwarded to your assigned adjuster. The adjuster may contact you to schedule a farm visit to inspect the damage crop(s).
Do not abandon, destroy, replant, harvest or use damaged acreage for another purpose without Agricorp's consent. You must take all reasonable steps to prevent further damage to the crop and other insured crops until Agricorp indicates otherwise.
Report yields
We get yield information directly from your processor.
Final yields are due as soon as the processor has sold your crop or has numbers to submit to Agricorp. The state of the market determines when the crop will be sold.