Production Insurance

Report info


Report acr​​​​eage

You must report your planted acres to Agricorp by the deadline.

You can report your acreage using one of these options:

​Report d​​amage

You must report crop damage to Agricorp as soon as it occurs by calling 1-888-247-4999.

An adjuster may contact you for more information or to schedule an inspection of the damaged crop(s).

Do not abandon, destroy, replant, harvest or use damaged acreage for another purpose without Agricorp's consent. 

​​​​Report yi​eld

You must report your yield to Agricorp by the deadline.

Resources to help you are available on the Report your yield page.

Agricorp audits the yields of a random selection of customers each year.

Late penal​​​​ty​

If you don't report your yield by the deadline, a substitute penalty yield will be applied as follows:

  • The first time you fail to report, a yield that is 100% of your AFY is applied.
  • The second time you fail to report (within a 3-year period), a yield that is 75% of your AFY is applied.
  • ​The third and all subsequent times you fail to report (within a 3-year period), a yield that is 50% of your AFY is applied.

Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Agricorp – Ontario – Canada