
Edible horticulture producers can now participate in new SDRM

Ontario producers of edible horticulture can now receive help mitigating farm risk by participating in the new self-directed risk management (SDRM) plan, which is part of the new Risk Management Program.

Under the plan, participants can open an SDRM account and deposit funds, which are matched by a government contribution. These funds can be used to cover a reduction in income, an investment in risk management tools, or other expenses related to a participant’s farm operation.

For 2011, participants are not required to make a deposit, but must complete and return a deposit request. To begin withdrawing funds this year, participants are to submit the necessary forms by October 31.

Ontario producers of edible horticulture who filed a T1163 with the Canada Revenue Agency or a Statement A with Agricorp for 2010 will receive a participant package in the mail in October. Producers who filed a T2042 can contact Agricorp to inquire about the program.
