

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Agricorp delivers a variety of programs and payments on behalf of the federal and provincial governments. Agricorp’s programs protect Ontari​​o producers aga​​inst many of the busines​​s and agricultural risks they​​​​​​ face every day.​

Risk Management Prog​​​​ra​​m

Ontario's ​Risk Management Program (RMP)​​ helps producers manage risks beyond t​heir control, like fluctuating cos​ts and market prices. The program is avail​​able for the cattle, edible horticulture, grains and oilseeds, hog, sheep and veal sectors.

Production Insur​​a​​​​nce

Production Insurance covers production losses and yield reductions cause​​d by insure​​d perils. Depending on the plan, ​​​coverage is available on a total​​-yield or acreage-loss basis. Producers can choose the type and level of coverage that best meets their needs.


AgriStability covers large margin declines caused by production loss, increased costs or market conditions. If a producer’s margin falls below 70 per cent of their recent average, AgriStability helps to offset the difference. 

Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program

Ontario's Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program​ provides  financial protection to beef  ​cattle sellers when a licensed dealer defaults on payment. 

Grain Financial Protec​​tion Prog​​ram

The Grain Financial Protection Program protects p​​roducers who sell grains and oi​​lseeds to licensed dealers and producers or owners who store grains and oilseeds at​​ licensed elevators. The program has both a licensing and inspection component and a financial protection component.

Farm Busin​​ess Registra​​tion

All farms that gross $7,000 or more must register each year under the Farm Business Registration (FBR) program. Registered farming oper​​ations are eligible to apply for the farmland property class tax ​​rate. The annual fee pays for a membership in an accredited farm organization of the producer’s choice.

Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program

The Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program, also known as the "​Farm Tax Program," is one of the ways the province of Ontario supports agriculture. Through the program, farmland owners receive a reduced property tax rate. Eligible farmland is taxed at no more than 25 per cent of the municipality’s residential property tax rate.

Provincial Premises Regi​​stry

​The Provincial Premises Registry (PPR)  is a record of indi​vidual parcels of land associated with agri-food activities. The information can be used by government to provide swift response to incidents that could impact agri-food businesses, such as weather disasters, animal or plant disease outbreaks or contaminated foo​d. You must have a premises identification number to be eligible for the Risk Management Program. 


AgriInvest is a savings account that producers can use to either cover small in​​​come declines or support other investments. Each year, prod​​ucers can deposit up to 1 per cent of their Allowable Net Sales (ANS) into a bank account and receive a matching government contribution. Producers can withdraw funds at any time.

Small Cidery Progr​​​am

The Small Cidery Program is a provincial program that allows eligible Ontario cideries to apply for a grant payment to help them grow their operations. 

Small Distillery Pr​​​ogram

The Small Distillery Program​ is a provincial program that allows eligible Ontario distilleries to apply for a grant payment to help them grow their operations. 

VQA Wine Support Prog​ram​

The Vintners Quality Alliance (VQA) Wine Support Program​ supports Ontario wineries in inc​reasing competitiveness and innovation while growing the sale of Ontario VQA wines at the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO).  The Program provides grants to help w​ineries invest in growing their VQA wine business, including export and tourism development activities.​​​

Growing Future Opportunities Initiative

The Growing Future Opportunities Initiative provides funding to Ontario apple, tender fruit, table grape, and wine grape growers. The funding will allow growers to plant new varieties of produce that will improve quality, production, and marketability. The funding is available under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

Winery Agri-Tourism Economic Relief Grant

The Winery Agri-Tourism Economic Relief Grant will help eligible Ontario wineries and cideries continue to grow their operations, create new jobs, and attract more visitors to Rural Ontario.
