Your responsibilities
Grow a minimum of three acres.
Follow good farm management practices.
Meet all
deadlines to ensure that your Production Insurance contract remains in good standing.
Contact us if your business structure changes, including changes to name, address, shareholders and farm management practices.
Report damage as soon as it occurs.
Insure your full crop. All acres seeded to establish long-term hay or pasture fields (whether seeded directly or with a nurse crop) must be enrolled in Production Insurance.
Insurable species
Both spring-seeded and summer/fall-seeded new forage seeding can be insured. The following species are insurable:
- Alfalfa (Alfalfa under-seeded to winter wheat is not insurable.)
- Annual rye grass
- Barley (grown as cover crop or annual forage)
- Bird's-foot trefoil
- Bluegrass
- Brome grass
- Buckwheat
- Daikon radish
- Fescue
- Meadow foxtail
- Millet
- Orchard grass
- Oats
- Oilseed radish
- Peas
- Perennial rye grass
- Red clover
- Reed canary grass
- Rye (grown as cover crop or annual forage)
- Sorghum
- Soybeans
- Sweet clover
- Timothy
- Triticale
- White clover
- Vetch
Note: A hay field that is at least one year old may be eligible for forage rainfall coverage.
Landlord/sharecropper arrangements
Coverage is available to both landlords and sharecroppers based on their respective shares of the crop. Members of an arrangement can decide independently whether to insure their own shares but may not insure the share belonging to the other member.
If you insure a share in a crop that does not belong to you and a claim results, your claim will be based on your share only and the premium on the uninsured share is forfeited.
Coverage period
Coverage extends from seeding until May 31 of the following year, or until the first pasturing or cut of hay in the following year, whichever comes first.